Friday, December 26, 2008

And so it begins…

The taking down, packing up, putting away of Christmas decorations. The clean up of the mess. But the hardest part of all, for me anyway…

Trying to figure out where the heck you had ALL that stuff you put up to make room for the decorations!! Does anyone else have that problem? Seriously, I have a floor full of knick-knacks and pictures and for the life of me I can’t figure out where in the world they all were before. There’s not enough room!!

I think it multiplies while stored away in the guest room. It’s a conspiracy I tell ‘ya!!


Taz + Belly said...

Okay, Scrooge... you could wait a few more days :). I always made fun of my mom for taking down the tree the day after Christmas. We're gonna tough the pine needles out for a few more days, lol.

Nana said...

Then you'll be proud to know it's all still up :) You might not be so proud to know it's because I got disgusted with the whole project and opted to curl up with Fancy & Kelso and watch Lifetime movies instead...